Biyernes, Oktubre 14, 2016

Lesson 18: Roles and Functions of an Educational Media Center

Image result for Lesson 18: Roles and Functions of an Educational Media Center

What is educational media center?
  • Is a place where audio-visual materials and equipment for instructional support were housed.
  • It provides a venue for multimedia learning for a more effective instructional process in school.
  • The Educational Media Center is a unit indispensable to the teacher-training programs of the College.
  • It provides the following services to the faculty, staff and students of the College: audio and/or video media materials
  • recording services, production services, basic repair services, and consultant service on effective media utilization.
  • To do its job, the Center has a collection of audio-visual facilities including cassette tape recorders,
  • slide/tape recorders and projectors, film and film strip projectors, overhead and opaque projectors,
  • video camera and other production hardware and equipment. For the most part, the Center serves as
  • a laboratory for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Educational Technology courses.
  • The mission of the Educational Media Center (EMC) is to provide quality support for teaching and learning through the integration and use of technology

 Image result for what is educational media center?

Responsibility of Media Specialist in Education

  • Plan instructional programs
  • Share information about resources and search strategies
  • Help with the operation of a peace of Help with the operation of a peace of equipment
  • Suggest specific resources for a particular unit
  • Provide conducive learning environment
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Basic Services of Educational Media Center
  • Accessibility of Resources
  • Collection
  • Reference
  • Instruction
  • Production

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Lesson 17: Assessment in a Constructivist, Technology-Supported Learning

Image result for Lesson 17: Assessment in a Constructivist, Technology-Supported Learning 


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  • Constructivist theory is a theory to explain on how knowledge is constructed in the human being
  • when b information comes into contact with existing knowledge tha t has been developed by
  • experiences. Constructivism as a theory of learning has existed for over one hundred years
  • but has no been widely accepted or applied in public schools.this theory is just a posed of
  • behavioral theory.



  • It is used to encourage students especially in facilitating student centered learning activities.
  • It is more than technology enhance instruction. It recognizes that learning is supported in
  • many different ways, even if there is no formal teaching involve.
  • Students study and learn based on the way they are tested. The type of assessment anticipated
  • appears to influence how and what they learn. therefore, the quickest way to change the way
  • students learn is to change the way learning is assessed.
  • In a technology-supported classroom, the student learns from and with the technology.
  • Technology is seen as a source of information that the students learn from in the same
  • way that the teacher are the source of information.. the students master facts from
  • the concepts from technology and with the aid of technology.
  • For example, when a teacher is engaging students in a learning opportunity, the instructor begins to question. The process of questioning not only interests students in a topic, but also gives the instructor an idea of the amount of prior knowledge a learner will bring to the experience.
  • During the exploring stage, "...students’ inquiry process drives instruction during an exploration." Driving instruction is one purpose of assessment, whether in a traditional or constructivist classroom.
  • During the explain stage, communication occurs between student and teacher. At this point, an instructor can input more information or points of inquiry as needed; again they are actively assessing. Also during the explain stage, artifacts become available that demonstrate concrete evidence of student understanding.
  • When students begin to elaborate on their ideas and observations, possible avenues of future research can develop.
  • Therefore, evaluation as a stage is not meant to be solitary and final, but a constant in each stage of constructivist learning (Miami Museum of Science, 2001).

Principle Tools and Methods Used in Constructivist Assessment

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Similarities and Differences Between Constructivist and
Traditional Assessment

Similarities : 
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  • Both types of assessment can take on a variety of formats: paper and pencil, physical hands on experience, or some type of exchange.
  • The phrasing and use of critical thinking terminology in questioning can also be similar.
  • Instructors in traditional classroom also use assessments in order to plan lessons and develop activities.

Differences : 

Image result for differences clipart

  • Both types of assessment can take on a variety of formats: paper and pencil, physical hands on experience, or some type of exchange.
  • The phrasing and use of critical thinking terminology in questioning can also be similar.
  • Instructors in traditional classroom also use assessments in order to plan lessons and develop activities.

Huwebes, Oktubre 13, 2016

Lesson 16: Using the Project based learning Multimedia as a teaching-learning strategy

Image result for Lesson 16: Using the Project based learning Multimedia as a teaching-learning strategy

  • Project based learning enables classrooms to emphasize this under valued part of the "Invisible curriculum" what author Daniel Goeman has called "Emotional Intelligence".

  • Using project - based learning multimedia as a strategy in teaching is effective in increasing students motivation by engaging them in their own learning, in improving student problem-solving and higher order thinking skills.
  • Teaching with the project-based method enables students to work cooperatively with peer and mentors in a student-centered environment where learners are encouraged to explore various topics of interest. It also provides opportunities for interdisciplinary learning by engaging students in applying the content of different subject areas.

  • Goals and Objectives are always the starting points of planing. When we plan a multi-media learning project as a teaching strategy, we begin by clarifying our goals and objective. Another important thing is to determine the resources available- from library materials, community resources both material and human, internet, new media- since this project calls for Multi-Media. To trim down time devoted to a multi-media project, Simkins et al (2002) suggested the following:

  • use technology students already know
  • use time outside of class whenever possible
  • assign skills practice as homework
  • use special classes (like art or music) as extra time
  • let students compose texts and select and prepare graphics and sounds as they plan

Before the project starts:

1. Create project description and milestones
2. Work with real world connections
3. Prepare resources
4. Prepare software and peripherals such as microphones
5. Organize computer files
6. Prepare the classroom

Introducing the project ( one or two days )

1. Review project documents
2. Perform pre-assessment
3. Perform relevant activities
4. Group students- here are some grouping strategies:
 Image result for Lesson 16: Using the Project based learning Multimedia as a teaching-learning strategy
  • by topic interest
  • by student talent and expertise
  • by student choice randomly

Learning the technology (one to three days) - Give a chance for the students to work with whatever software and technology they will be using.

  • Preliminary research and planing (three days to three weeks, depending on project size) -  At this stage, students should immerse themselves in the content of subject matter they need to understand to create their presentation.
  • Concept design and Story boarding (three to five days)- A story board is a paper- and- pencil sketch of the entire presentation, screen by screen or in the case of videos, shot by shot, requiring a story board provides a natural check-in point for you and gives your students an opportunity to plan ahead.

Here are a few design tips to keep in mind throughout story boarding and production.

  • Use scanned, handmade artwork to make a project look personal and to manage scarce technology resources.
  • Keep navigation
  • Organize information similarly throughout so users can find what they are looking for
  • Care for collaboration
  • Organize manageable steps
  • Check and asses often
  • Assessing, testing and finalizing presentations (one to three weeks)- There are two kinds of testing to think about
  • Functional Testing- Trying all the buttons, taking all possible paths thru the presentation, checking for errors, missing images and the like
  • User- Testing- Showing the presentation to members of the target audience and finding out if they can successfully navigate it and understand it.

* Assessment means critical evaluation of your presentation.

  • Concluding activities (one to three days)- Allow time for students to present and show off their hard work. Often there is an obvious, authentic concluding activity related to your real- world connection. Remember to take time to review the ups and downs of the project with students and anyone else who participant

Lesson 15: Project-based Learning and Multimedia

Project-based learning is not a new educational method.

Image result for Lesson 15: Project-based Learning and Multimedia Project-based learning is not a new educational method.

  • The use of multimedia is a dynamic new form of communication.
  • The merging of project-based learning and multimedia represents an extraordinary teaching strategy that we call project-based multimedia learning.

* Guidelines for Implementing and developing your own units based on this strategy.

1. By project-based learning, we mean a teaching method in which students acquire new knowledge and skills in the course of designing, planning, and producing some product or performance.

2. By multimedia, we mean the integration of media objects such as text, graphics, video, animation, and sound to represent and convey information.

* Project-based multimedia learning
      is a method of teaching in which students acquire new knowledge and skills in the course of designing, planning, and producing a multimedia product.

Dimensions of Project-Based Multimedia Learning Project

Core curriculum

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  •      At the foundation of any unit of this type is a clear set of learning goals drawn from whatever curriculum or set of standards is in use.

Real-world connection

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  •       Project-based multimedia learning strives to be real. It seeks to connect students' work in school with the wider world in which students live.

Extended time frame

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  •    A good project is not a one-shot lesson; it extends over a significant period of time. It may be days, weeks, or months. The actual length of a project may vary with the age of the students and the nature of the project.

Student decision making

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Students have an opinion : 

  • Divide them into “Teacher” and “Students” based on a clear rationale (decisions)
  • The Teacher can allow Students to determine what substantive content would be included in their projects.
  • Students can make decisions about the form and content to their final products, as well as the process for producing them.


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  •        We define collaboration as working together jointly to accomplish a common intellectual purpose in a manner superior to what might have been accomplished working alone. Students may work in pairs or in teams of as many as five or six. Whole-class collaborations are    also possible.

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  •  Regardless of the teaching method used, data must be gathered on what students have learned. When using project-based multimedia learning, teachers face additional assessment challenges because multimedia products by themselves do not represent a full picture of student learning.

Assessments have Three Difference Roles in the Project-based Multimedia

  • Activities for developing expectations;
  • Activities for improving the media products; and
  • Activities for compiling and disseminating evidence of learning.

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  • As students design and research their projects, instead of gathering only written notes, they also gather—and create— pictures, video clips, recordings, and other media objects that will later serve as the raw material for their final product.

Why Use Project-Based Multimedia Learning?

  • Identifying, organizing, planning, and allocating time, money, materials, and workers.
  • Negotiating, exercising leadership, working with diversity, teaching others new skills, serving clients and customers, and participating as a team member.