Lunes, Agosto 15, 2016

 Ed. Tech, Technology Boon or Bane, Roles of Educational Technology in Learning, Systematic Approach of Teaching and The cone of Experience.

Educational Technology- is the application of technology in the education process that takes place in educational institutions
According to Research people tend to remember 
10% of what they need 
20% of what they hear
30% of what they see
80% of what they hear and sea
70 to 90% of what we see,hear and experience
 There are four benefits from using Educational Technology
1. Increase the quality of learning and the degree of its mastery through the use of special effects of unique programming that are considered individualize valid and accessible.
2. Decrease the time spent in instruction for learners to achieve desired learning objectives.
3. Increase efficiency of Teachers.
4. Guidelines in using educational technology.
11 Guidelines in using Educational Technology
1. Determine the purposes for which the instructional materials to be use
2. Define the objectives to determine the appropriateness if the material
3. Know the content of the material
4. Exercise flexibility so that the material satisfy different purposes
5. Consider diversity/variety of materials
6. Relate materials to age,ability,maturity and interest of students
7. Arrange the conditions so that the materials do not interrupt the momentum of the lesson
8. Prepare the students for what they will see,hear and do as lesson unfold
9. Operate equipment needed for efficient use
10. Summarize experience gained and follow-up with further relevant discussion
11. Evaluate the results of use materials together with the instruction process to determine effectiveness.
7 Commonly used Media/Materials for Instruction
1. Print media/material - considered to be the most dominant and the primary means of communicating subject matter to students.
2. Still pictures and graphics- useful means of expressing ideas,employlines,pattern,colors and shades to convey information.
3. Sound recordings and radio
4. Film and Television
5. Video Recording
6. Computer Based Learning (CBL)- enables the students to study almost anytime and convenient locations and varying ability levels.
7. The web
6General principles / criteria for selection Instructional materials
1. Appropriateness- materials must catch the general and specific objective of the lesson
2. Authenticity- materials must present accurate , up to date and reliable information
3. Interest and appeal to users- materials must have the power to catch the interest of users, motivate them for learning and stimulate
4. Organization and balance- materials used must be very clear, well organized logically sequenced
5. Cost Effectiveness/Economy- materials used must be relative to the cost of other similar materials must suit many different types of learners and learning purposes.
1. Do not overcrowd
2. Be consistent in format, layout and convention
3. Use appropriate typefaces and point uses
4. Use bold and italics for emphasis, but don't over use them
5. Use titles heading, and sub headings to clarify and guide
6. Use numbers to direct through sequences
7. Use graphics and illustrations to reinforce ideas
8. Use symbols and icons identifying markers
9. Use color/ video/audio/music to stimulate but not to overpower the senses
10. Produce the materials with technical excellence good quality,good audio,clear etc.

Boon - is a thing that is beneficial or useful it also called "Advantage"
Bane- it is curse or destruction it is also called "Disadvantage"
The Educational Technology is boon when is a blessing for man,contributes much to the improvement of the teaching progress and to the humanization of life,with cellphones,web come, you will be closer to someone miles away,your teaching and learning have become more novel,stimulating,exciting,fresh and engaging with the use of multimedia in the classroom,with tv you can watch events as they happen all over the globe
The Education Technology is bane when not used properly, the learners is made to accept as gospels truth information they get from the internet,,the learner surfs the internet for pornography, the learner has uncritical mind on images floating on television and computers that represent modernity and progress, t.v makes learner a mere spectator not an active participant in the drama of life.
"Technology is made for man and not man for technology. Technology is made for the teacher and not teacher for technology".
The following are roles of technology in learning (David H. Jonassen 1999)
1. Technology as tools to support knowledge construction.
2. Technology as information vehicle for exploring knowledge to support learning-by-constructing
3. Technology as context to support learning by doing
4. Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing
5. Technology as intellectual partner (Jonassen 1996) to support learning by reflecting
Systematic Approach to teaching - it is a network of elements or parts different from each other but each one is special in the sense that each performs a unique function for the life and effectiveness of the instructional system.
Define Object- instruction begins with the definition of instructional objective that consider the students needs, interest and readiness.
Choose appropriate methods- On the basis of these objective the teacher selects the appropriate teaching methods to be used.
Choose appropriate experiences- Based on the teaching method selected, the appropriate learning experiences an appropriate material, equipment and facilities will also be selected.
Select materials,equipment and facilities- The use of learning materials,equipment and facilities necessitates assigning he personnel to assist the teacher.
Assign personnel roles- Defining the role of any personnel involved in the preperation,setting and returning of this learning resources would also help in the learning process
Implement the instruction- With the instruction objectives in mind, the teacher implements planned instructions with the use of the selective teaching method, learning activities and learning materials with the help of other personnel whose role has been defined by the teacher.
Evaluate outcomes- After instructions, teacher evaluates the outcome of instruction from the evolution results,teacher comes to know if the instructional objective was attained.
Refine the process- if the instructional objective was attained, teacher proceeds to the next lesson going through the same cycle once more.
The Cone is a visual model, a pictorial device that presents bands of experience arranged according to degree of abstraction and not degree of difficulty
Direct Purposeful Movement- First-hand experience which serve as the foundation of our learning
Contrived Experiences- In here, we make use of a representative models or mock ups of reality for practical reasons.
Dramatized Experience- By dramatization, we can participate in a reconstructed experience, even thou the original event is far removed from us in time
Demonstration- it is visualized explanation of an important fact, idea or process by the use of photographs,drawings,films,display or guided motions.
Study Trips- These are the excursions, educational trips and visits conducted to observe an event that is unavailable within the classroom.
Exhibits- These are displays to be seen by spectators
Television and motion pictures- Television and motion pictures can reconstruct the reality of the past effectively that we are made to feel we are there.
Still pictures,recordings, radio- These are visual and auditory devices which may be used by an individual or a group.
Visual Symbols- These are no longer realistic reproduction of physical things for these are highly abstract representations.
Verbal symbol- They are not like the objects or ideas for which they stand

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